Djabe - Djabe Archive 1993-2000
"I've been asked several time in my life what would happen those videos which were recorded on concerts. Well, I hoped that Hungarian televisions will play them or at least some parts. Unfortunately it didn't really happen due to marketing music and other problems. So far you can see a 35 minutes concert film on multimedia part of Witchi Tai To and 70 minutes on Witchi Tai To Tour VHS casette.
Now it's time to give the most precious part of our archive to our fans, about 140 minutes long.
Recordings are different both musically and quality. Songs from the Tour 2000 are excellent, for example, since they're recorded to multi tracks and free from musical mistakes. Recordings from 1997-99 were recorded from mixer that's why the quality of sounds aren not always 100 % pure.
Djabe is always striving for perfection. In this cassette we let some mistakes. Striving for perfection means in this case that we give videos our fans which have never published anywhere and these enreaching their collection.
The story begins with the ancesor band of Djabe. The Novus Jam was established in 1983 by Geszthelyi Nagy Judit, Pósafalvi Péter and me. On the first Djabe CD from 1996 you can hear Judit and me, Rácz Tamás, Sipos András and Karvaly Tibor. You can never seen such a lot member of Novus together on the same record. A new came into existence, an other kind of music. Certainly a lot of Novus composition were re-make by Djabe later. For example The Island, Whispers, Gallop.
In the biggest part of the cassette of course you can see concert videos from 1997-2000. This cassette is summing of the first period as well.
Thanks for musicians worked with us between 1993-2000, especially for Muck Ferenc who had got big characteristic influence in the band in this period.
Have a good time, lets enjoy the film!"
Budapest, 27. Nov. 2001.
Your faithfully: Égerházi Attila
Djabe releases can be ordered from the new Djabe Webhop:
http://djabe.hu/en/uzlet/ |

Djabe - Djabe Archive 1993-2000
Novus Jam egyveleg
1. Töredék / Vágta / Aranyhomok / Bolond tánc / Érkezés / A munkások banánt esznek
Petőfi Csarnok, 1997. november 26.
2. Sorcerer
3. Visions Coctail
4. Waiting for the Distant Dance
5. Passage
6. Desert
Videoclip, 1998
7. Coffe Break
Petőfi Csarnok, 1999. április 30.
8. Island
9. Gallop
10. Timboyo
11. Djolé
Budapesti Kongresszusi Központ, 1999. május 20.
12. Ly-A-Loya
Thália Színház, 1999. szeptember 24.
13. Ode
Tour 2000, Petőfi Csarnok, 2000. április 14.
14. Memory of Bells
15. Village of the Sun
16. Distant Dance
17. Above the Skies
18. Ubud
19. Ly-O-Lay Ale Loya
20. Final World
21. Djabe
22. Bali Trees
23. Witchi Tai To
Musicians on the video:
Barabás Tamás - bass guitar
Égerházi Attila - guitars
Sipos András - vocal, percussion
Muck Ferenc - saxophone
Gesztelyi Nagy Judit - flute, percussion