Djabe - Live In Slovakia 2002
Dear Listener!
You are holding the first free of charge release from the Djabe club, 2003, which is already the fifth of our published club releases.
In 2001-2002 thanks to our friend Feri Horváth from Demandice, we could give several successful concerts in Slovakia. This record is a collection of the materials of three concerts from the 2002 autumn jazz festival.
The performances were on in the following order:
Bratislava, 18 of October (Track: 7, 8)
Nove Zamky, október 19 of October (Track: 3, 4)
Presov, 13 of November (Track: 1, 2, 5, 6, 9)
Track 10 was made on the night between 30 June 2001 and 1 July at the jazz festival, Deménd, where the band arrived after performing in Győr, as the last stage of the Update tour. This recording is also special from the aspect that the band can be heard as a trio Ben Castle (tenor saxophone), Zoltán Kovács (piano), Tamás Barabás (drums!).
The pictures were taken by the band’s own photographer, Levente Honty at the Ipolyság (Sahy) festival, 2002 summer.
This record is dedicated to our Slovakian manager Ferenc Horváth, and the band technician and FOH engineer of the Slovakian concerts, Gábor Zrupkó.
Djabe band
The recordings were made from the FOH board with the following techniques: Bratislava: VHS, Nove Zamky: casette, Presov: MiniDisc, Demandice: MiniDisc.
Djabe releases can be ordered from the new Djabe Webhop:

Djabe - Live In Slovakia 2002
1. Zempléni Nyár 
2. Flying
3. First Step
4. Clouds Dance
5. Witchi Tai To
6. Camel Ride
7. Táncolnak a kazlak
8. Bratislava
9. Djabe
10. Round Midnight 
Barabás Tamás - bass, drum (track 10)
Égerházi Attila - guitars
Sipos András - vocal, percussion
Kovács Ferenc - trumpet, flugelhorn, violin, vocal
Kovács Zoltán - keyboards
Banai Szilárd - drums
Ben Castle - tenor saxophone (track 10)