Muckshow - A kávéd az pocsék, de... This CD is primarily for jazz-rock and funky fans.
Mukshow and Besenyő Brass friendly society have been working together in various productions for 5 years. This album is a true mirror to the essence of their activity: exciting sounds from the winds, instrumental stunts (e.g. Chase arrangement).
This album specifies almost all shades on the very colourful and ever-changing palette of jazz-rock from the tune "Ordas blues" with blues tones, to the acid jazz-like "Jön a vonat még" (Train's still coming).
Besenyő Brass
An independent formation of winders participating in Besenyő Blues Band.
They appeared in the jubilee concerts of Metro, Demjén Ferenc and Lokomotív GT as well as a number of Hungarian LPs. They received warm recognition for their "winds only" production, a taste of which is offered by three songs on the CD.
The musical leader of the band is the saxophone player and arranger Elek István graduated from clarinet branch and saxophone branch of Jazz Faculty of the Musical Academy "Liszt Ferenc". As for present, he is an occasional participant in several productions. He went on tours with Presser Gábor, makes appearances together with Tea, is a participant in dozens of CDs and a stable member of Fusio Jazz Quartet.
With his secure trumpet play always scoring a success, Csizmadia Gábor trumpet player is an essential element of the Besenyő winds brigade. His performance in the Chase arrangement is simply brilliant and unique. The band has two more trumpet players Mákó Miklós and Galyas László, and Muck Ferenc as saxophonist.

Muckshow - A kávéd az pocsék, de...
1. A kávéd az pocsék, de... 
2. Ordas Blues
3. Modell
4. 92. utca
5. Jön a vonat - még
6. ... én is ...
7. Szívatódal
8. Open up wide
9. Birdland 
10. Chameleon
11. Csak semmi kaland - Pinyó's
12. Dr. Hoffman
Muck Ferenc - saxophone
Mohai Tamás - guitar
Kerékgyártó István - bass guitar
Hirlemann Bertalan - drums
Kaszás Péter - programming
Retzler Péter - organ
Török Ádádm - flute
Ferenczy György - harmonica
Elek István - saxophone
Csizmadia Gábor - trumpet
Mákó Miklós - trumpet
Galyas László - trumpet