Kovács Ferenc - Magony Vonósok
The Magony orchestra was formed in 2001, to perform in live Ferenc Kovács’s same titled solo album. Our repertory has been continuously enlarged with our own compositions and special elaborations of well-known Hungarian folk songs. The leader and composer of the orchestra is Ferenc Kovács. Their musical style can be determined by the expression "contemporary rustic music".
Ferenc Kovács’s career has been extremely coloured. After studying classical, modern, jazz and folk music he actively performs in many kind of orchestras (Djabe, Dresch Quartet, Kálmán Balogh and the Gipsy Cymbalom Band, etc.) nowadays as well. He looked for highly qualified fellows following different trends to the "magony style"‘ fermented in him. Sándor Budai was brought up in the Rajkó Orchestra, he is an open-minded musician who has dazzled many people all over the world with the well-known Hungarian gipsy music. Kálmán Oláh has taken his degree recently, he was a key figure of the Hungarian Virtuosi Chamber Music Orchestra. His knowledge is an evidence for the traditionally outstanding Hungarian instruction in music. Beáta Salamon is one of the best contemporary folk violinists, traditionalists (Méta, State Folk Ensemble). Csaba Novák has also been brought up in the Rajkó Orchestra, and he accompanies today’s greatest leaders of gipsy bands. Unfor-tunately, there is less and less demand for this kind of gipsy music which is unique in the world. Ferenc Németh after getting a degree at the medical faculty of the university, became a folk dancer, then an art director, then a folk musician. He is invited to many places because his singing is abundant in emotion, free from being mannered, and fostering traditions. The aim of ‚Magony‘ is to express our ancient Hungarian emotions in a Hungarian way by melting the classical, the gipsy and our folk traditions. The introducing concert of the orchestra was on the 22nd of September, 2001 in the Mu Theatre, as the opening of the older Ferenc Kovács’s exhibition: Magony sculpture portraits.
On The Same Way
We have been getting on the same way with my friend Ferenc Kovács for a long time. Sometimes stamping strongly, striking our feet, sometimes with light energy, sometimes in high spirits, contemplating, sometimes with rigorous attention. We wade in the thick or flee above the surface, revel unrestrained and loudly, or walk around in a disciplined way, speak (self)ironically or explain things with intension of teaching; whenever we ask something, whenever we answer, whenever we consider near of far things - we get on the same way.
The first piece of this common life, common way derived from it in 1994. Then we created together ‚Profana‘ in TranzDanz. Since then we have made lots of productions together - the last one is Cave-drawings. Cultures of ten thousands years have been built upon Man - who has created new worlds by making, showing and representing himself and his world, who has been useful for the community, who has been worthy and intelligible - and upon his signs, while bigoted religions regulate, cynical self-seekers operating with demagogic ideologies exterminate, rational civilizations kill, taint and restrict free and creative Man.
However, Man - despite of these destructive efforts - leaves his band’s mark on the wall of the cave, sends messages through thousands of years: - I am here! I have just changed the world! Cave-drawings - now also on CD - is a memento for the idea that we should escape from the remorseful fashions, from the stupid junk produced for mass-consumption, from the commercial elite - elite-commercial into caves and reservates, it is a modern cavedrawing; comics about the Way. Thanks to Öcsi for working and travelling with me! Öcsi, go on!
Kovács Gerzson Péter choreographer
Kovács Ferenc - Magony Vonósok
CD1 (concert, 22th of September in 2001)
1. Intro
2. Boldog galamb
3. Parasztbarokk
4. A szarvas üldözése
5. Szarvasok az erdei fényben
6. Játszó
7. Pásztoros
8. Miskadal
9. Jaj, de széles (Soós Imre emlékére - a Körhinta c. filmből)
CD2 (music of the "Sziklarajzok" TranzDanz performance)
1. Bevezetés
2. Sziklarajzok
3. Repülés
4. Legényes
5. Groteszk
Hungarian songs
6. Elindultam szép hazámból
7. Le az úton, szép csendesen lefelé
8. Esti dal
Magony Kovács Ferenc - violin, flugelhorn, vocal
Salamon Bea - violin
Budai Sándor - violin, viola
Oláh Kálmán - violin
Novák Csaba - doublebass
Németh Ferenc - vocal
Mester László (Pintyő) - viola
Égerházi Attila - guitar
Barabás Tamás - bass
Kovács Zoltán - keyboards
Sipos András - percussion, vocal
Banai Szilárd - drums