[ 22.12.2003. ]
First Djabe concert in 2004: Sheafs are
New Orleans Music Club, Budapest Lovag
u. 5.
Table reservation: 06 20 451 7525
Ticket information: 06 1 217 1121
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25.11.2003. ]
Gramy Records received the Gramafon - Classical and
Jazz editing special award
On the evening of 24 November 2003, from 7 o'clock onwards the Gramofon awards
of this year were handed out in the Szigligeti Theatre, Szolnok.
The Gramofon - Classical and Jazz editing and Publisher, according to
the votes of invited critics and the reccomendation of an international advisory
body gave a special award to Gramy Records record publisher for its determening
role in acknowledging the crossover and world music in Hungary and for its high
standard issues.
The award was received by Attila Égerházi, the director of the
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22.10.2003. ]
First issue from Peter Lipa
in Hungary came out
Peter Lipa - Beatles in Blue(s)
The Beatles music as you have never heard it before, interpreted by of one of
the best jazz singers in Europe. An exciting reproduction of 16 Beatles songs.
On the record perform the best jazz musicians from Slovakia. 
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20.10.2003. ]
Brand new double live album:
Unplugged at the New Orleans
In 2002 Djabe gave concerts on various topics at the New Orleans Music
Club in a way that on each night the program was totally different. Altogether
the band played more then seven hours (!) of different types of music.
On the last two nights unplugged concerts were held. Saïd Tichiti,
the Moroccan musician who played on the Update record, joined the concert
held on the 19 of November.
The material on the CD covers the full career of the
band from the first record of Djabe published in 1996, to Sheafs are
dancing, as well as new adaptations and music pieces which have not been
played at concerts - lasting in total more than two hours.
The first multimedia CD includes a 14 minutes video
from the first performance of the six-member Djabe, recorded in the Vasas
Besides the video a full band biography and discography
can be found also on the CD. The visitors of the Unplugged concerts can
recall the concerts with a photo album, which contains 50 pictures. 
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[ 30.09.2003. ]
Gigs in autumn:
- 6th of November, Dunaújváros, Bartók Kamaraszínház 7 pm, Bartók tér 1. Ticket information: 06 25 402 598
Táncolnak a kazlak tour program
- 11th of November, Budapest, New Orleans Music Club Lovag u. 5. Table reservation: 06 20 451 7525 Ticket information: 06 1 217 1121
Unplugged at the New Orleans lemezbemutató koncert
- 20th of November, Csáktornya - Cakovec (Croatia) Jazz Fair - PKO Táncolnak a kazlak tour program
. . .
[ 25.08.2003. ]
Awesome concerts from Djabe as the introduction of the new record "Sheafs are Dancing"
Djabe, the band with awards of the Golden Giraffe and eMeRTon is giving a great range of concerts at home and abroad. On the concerts the material of their new record "Sheafs are Dancing", which was published this spring, is being performed.
For more than two hours the audience is mesmerised with the clear, quality music performed by Djabe with its music, which is trying to find its way between the borders of world music and jazz. We know Djabe well from its world-class sounding records and DVD's, and visitors can experience this quality sound in live music. The individual music, typical to Hungarian bands, can be heard in Surround 5.1.
The fabulous sound is accompanied by a highly effective light technology, which is supplemented with films and animations on screen all the way through the concert. The projected material is based on the pictures of Imre Égerházi as his pictures gave the inspiration for the records on the album. We can also see a six and a half minute animation made of the pictures from the collection of "Ice world". These pictures are based on the artist's impressions of clinical death that he had personally experienced. Therefore, the visiting audience, certainly does not have an every day experience on these concerts.
- Cegléd 
- Csíkszereda 
- Esztergom 
- Debrecen 
The summer leg of the 2003 tour:
- 5th of March Budakalász
- 6th of March Győr
- 12th of March Veszprém
- 18th of March Békéscsaba
- 8th of May Tatabánya
- 24th of May Budapest
- 22th of June Cegléd
- 28th of June Deménd (Szlovákia)
- 15th of August Pécs
- 17th of August Csíkszereda
- 20th of August Esztergom
- 23th of August Szombathely
- 10th of September Sopron
- 12th of September Szolnok
- 13th of September Zalaegerszeg
- 17th of September Debrecen
- 18th of September Miskolc
- 20th of September Budapest
. . .
[ 2003.05.27. ]
Kovács Ferenc - Magony Vonósok Kovács Ferenc Magony formációjának új, dupla CD-je a hazai lemezkiadás egyik legígéretesebb darabja. A Magony zenekar kortárs parasztbarokk játéka, jazz és world music elemekkel gazdagodott. Az első korongon a Magony zenekar magával ragadó koncertfelvétele hallható. A második CD stúdiófelvételeket tartalmaz, melyek sokszínűsége és műfaji korlátlansága lenyűgözi a hallgatót. Külön csemege, hogy az "Elindultam szép hazámból" című felvételen a teljes Djabe zenekar közreműködik. 
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[ 2003.05.16. ]
Horgas Eszter Arcai IV. - Latin Fiesta
(17-18 November 2002. Erkel Theatre)
This is the last piece of the successful, four piece
CD series, presenting the faces of Eszter Horgas. This captivating, Latin
sounding album is a worthy conclusion to the collection, which is performed
by the most excellent Hungarian musicians. 
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[ 25.03.2003. ]
This compilation album introduces the leader artists of the Gramy Records. 13 audio tracks from Djabe, Horgas Eszter, Kovács Ferenc and Johanna Beisteiner. In addition 22 mp3 tracks can be played on your pc from the catalogue of Camino Records. Steve Hackett, Chester Thompson and Ian MacDonald. 
ZeneForum portal critic: www.zeneforum.hu
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[ 17.02.2003. ]
Released the Arany Zsiráf and eMeRTon award winner band’s studio record based on the paintings of Égerházi Imre. 
The new album will be presented by domestic and foreign gigs.
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[ 16.02.2003. ]
The Live In Buenos Aires DVD in stock now! |